Mark Dahle Art Museums

Mark Dahle would like to have five museums of his contemporary art in strategic places around the globe. Each would have a different theme, and each would let people experience both Mark's and others' art.

The placement of the museums would allow the various cultures of the world to all have access. New York. Tokyo. Shanghai. Sao Paulo. Perhaps a city not yet named, somewhere in the MidEast.

Outrageous, right? It's hard for one museum to find enough funding to survive. But five museums?

It's the kind of audacious idea that both seems impossible and that sometimes comes to pass.

The expense, of course, argues against it. Think of the ongoing maintenance. And the problem of having enough staff. And of paying for lights and heat and air conditioning and security.

Perhaps when these art museums are built they will be Virtual Reality museums, available to anyone with an internet connection.

Suddenly the staff problems are much easier. If you want more currators, all you have to do is draw them.

Suddenly the electric bills are easy to manage. The air conditioning is free. So is the heat, even in the middle of winter. With a Virtual Reality museum, the lights could be on day and night. For that matter, the museum itself could be open day and night.

Suddenly the audacious idea almost seems possible.

At this point, if the five museums are ever built, it's most likely that they will be Virtual Reality museums.

But perhaps, however improbably, they will be constructed of wood and steel and glass and will require an airline ticket to get to (or many airline tickets to get to them all). Who knows?

Or maybe they'll only exist as an art project, a few sketches and paintings of an implausible idea.

Small sketches of the museum project are available at Larger scale paintings and other works in this series are available directly from the artist.

Abstract painting from the Museum Heritage Collection, copyright Mark Dahle 2011.

Abstract Painting from the Museum Heritage Collection. © 2011 Mark Dahle.

Abstract painting from the Museum Heritage Collection, copyright Mark Dahle 2011.

Abstract Painting from the Museum Heritage Collection. © 2011 Mark Dahle.

Abstract painting from the Museum Heritage Collection, copyright Mark Dahle 2011.

Abstract Painting from the Museum Heritage Collection. © 2011 Mark Dahle.

Abstract painting from the Museum Heritage Collection, copyright Mark Dahle 2011.

Abstract Painting from the Museum Heritage Collection. © 2011 Mark Dahle.

Abstract art from the Museum Heritage Collection, copyright Mark Dahle 2011.

Abstract Painting from the Museum Heritage Collection. © 2011 Mark Dahle.

Abstract art from the Museum Heritage Collection, copyright Mark Dahle 2011.

Abstract Painting from the Museum Heritage Collection. © 2011 Mark Dahle.

Abstract art from the Museum Heritage Collection, copyright Mark Dahle 2011.

Abstract Painting from the Museum Heritage Collection. © 2011 Mark Dahle.

Abstract art from the Museum Heritage Collection, copyright Mark Dahle 2011.

Abstract Painting from the Museum Heritage Collection. © 2011 Mark Dahle.

Abstract art from the Museum Heritage Collection, copyright Mark Dahle 2011.

Abstract Painting from the Museum Heritage Collection. © 2011 Mark Dahle.

Abstract art from the Museum Heritage Collection, copyright Mark Dahle 2011.

Abstract Painting from the Museum Heritage Collection. © 2011 Mark Dahle.

Abstract art from the Museum Heritage Collection, copyright Mark Dahle 2011.

Abstract Painting from the Museum Heritage Collection. © 2011 Mark Dahle.

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